Vetrardrottningin 7. færsla

sunnudagur, janúar 29, 2006
Hún er komin með andlit!!! Ok, kannski vantar soldið upp á en ég er að mestu búin með húðlitina á henni :-D

Ég er súper ánægð með árangur dagsins. Ég tók líka mynd bara af því svæði sem ég saumaði á í dag og hún er hér.

Winter Queen part 7

She's got a face! Ok, so it's not complete yet but I'm almost done with the skin colors :-D

I'm super happy with today's progress. I also took a close-up of the area I stitched on today and that pic is here.
posted by Rósa at 01:02, |


  At sunnudagur, 29 janúar, 2006 Anonymous Nafnlaus said:
Hi Rósa,
Yeah! You are back on the stitchingtrack!
I love it!
The Queen has a lovely face!
Till next time. :o)
Yay, WQ is coming along great - she has a face! :)) It's really showing a lot of progress now - way to go!
That's lovely progress, Rosa :)
Great progress Rosa! This is going to be so lovely.
Oh, yay, Rosa! She is coming along beautifully!
Góð framvinda hjá þér. Þetta skotgengur :)
Oh my gosh! Winter Queen is growing rapidly - you are doing a wonderful job on her!