Snjókallar :-)

þriðjudagur, janúar 17, 2006
Ég elska snjókalla og nú var snjókalla RR-inn minnað koma heim úr seinni útlandaferðinni sinni sem gekk svona líka vel og nú er bara eftir að sauma einn snjókall. Becky nefnilega saumaði þennan líka sæta skautasnjókall sem ég er bara bálskotin í.

Þvílíkt krútt segi ég nú bara. Linda var svo búin að bjóðast til að sauma seinasta snjókallinn :-) Þá hef ég enga afsökun til að gera ekki veggteppið sem ég hafði ákveðið.. Efnið er til og allt!

Snowmen :-)

I love my snowmen and my snowmen RR just arrived home from his second venture into the big bad world. This time everything worked out great and I'm so pleased with the snowman Becky did for me. He's a skater and the colors are so lively and nice :-)

Becky, thank you so much for doing this RR square for me. Like I said in my email, I hope I can sometime help you out in some way.

Now this RR just has one stop to go with Linda before I finish it into a wall hanging. I won't have any excuses not to do it.. I have the fabrics and everything to finish it :-)

Efnisorð: ,

posted by Rósa at 15:10, |


He looks so cheery that only thing you can do is smile to him. :)

And of course: Waiting to see your finished piece, when ever your little one comes back to you. :)
How sweet of Becky to have done that. And it is so cute!

(The RR I'm in is drawing to a close too... I'm so excited at the thought I should get my fabric in a month! :D )
Just send it when you want, I a, not busy and I really want an "excuse" to stitch a snowman :o)
jiii.... hvað hann er sætur :)
Ég hlakka til að sjá RR-inn þegar hann er tilbúinn!!
Nice snowman, it's cute to see him in clothes :) It'll be fun to see the finished product.
  At fimmtudagur, 19 janúar, 2006 Anonymous Nafnlaus said:
Oh, he is so cute, what a nice gesture from Becky!
Juul :o)