Vetrardrottningin 6. færsla
mánudagur, janúar 23, 2006
Ég ætlaði að vera svo dugleg að sauma í drottningunni um helgina en þar sem ég var að vinna fór eitthvað lítið fyrir dugnaðinum. Ég kláraði reyndar nálarúlluna á laugardag enda kallaði hún hátt og skýrt á mig :-D
Svona er sem sagt staðan á blessaðri drottningunni og þó ég hafi ekki náð að gera eins mikið og ég hefði viljað þá er ég a.m.k. komin í húðlitina :-) Það styttist í andlitið á kellu :-D
Winter Queen part 6
I had plannedto take part in a stitch-a-thon with the Friends Gather BB this weekend but I ended up finishing the needleroll and with work I didn't have much time for else on saturday. I did stitch in my queen sunday night and that's why the progress isn't as much as I'd liked. I did start some of the colors for her skin so I'm closing in on her face :-D
Svona er sem sagt staðan á blessaðri drottningunni og þó ég hafi ekki náð að gera eins mikið og ég hefði viljað þá er ég a.m.k. komin í húðlitina :-) Það styttist í andlitið á kellu :-D
Winter Queen part 6
I had plannedto take part in a stitch-a-thon with the Friends Gather BB this weekend but I ended up finishing the needleroll and with work I didn't have much time for else on saturday. I did stitch in my queen sunday night and that's why the progress isn't as much as I'd liked. I did start some of the colors for her skin so I'm closing in on her face :-D
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Skrifa ummæliRosa, that's great progress! Love those colours :)
Do I see a hand? O.o
You've some great progress with her. I still remember when she was just few stitches on fabric... ;)
You've some great progress with her. I still remember when she was just few stitches on fabric... ;)