Victoria Sampler October Needleroll

föstudagur, október 20, 2006
It's finally assembled and ready to be sent off. I'm extremely pleased with this needleroll and sure hope that my friend will like it :-)

I'm feeling a little better than the last time I posted on my blog. My throat is still itchy and I need to spray my nose every 8 hrs so I can breathe and I'm coughing like crazy, but I am feeling a little better :-D

The kitty pi bed is done. It's been through two cycles in the washing machine and all I need is the right shape to stretch it over. My trash bin is too small.. As soon as I've got the desired shape I'll post a pic.

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posted by Rósa at 12:01, |


I'm sure your friend will love her needleroll - it's gorgeous! :D Can't wait to see your kitty pi bed :)
Nálarúllan er sko æðisleg!!! Til hamingju með hana og ég trúi ekki öðru en að vinkona þín verði ánægð.
Svo bíð ég spennt eftir að sjá Kitty pi bed!!!
The needleroll is absolutely gorgeous. I like it very much and I am sure that your friend will too.
Oh BEAUTIFUL! It looks as though it is right from a magazine!
Your needleroll is perfect, Rosa!! Glad you're feeling better. :)