Hvenær verð ég milli?

miðvikudagur, febrúar 08, 2006
Fann þessa snilld á blogginu hennar Dagnýjar Ástu. Tær snilld! Einfaldlega af því ég gæti alveg trúað mér til að fara og kaupa alla iPod sem til væru ef ég væri milli :-D

You'll become a millionaire on:
Tuesday February 7th, 2017
What's the first thing that you'll buy?
Every possible version of the iPod
Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com
posted by Rósa at 16:09, |


I try the money thing...it says I would be a millionaire when I hit 57yrs old....that is a rather long wait.

Wonder what I would use the money then....medical bills? Very practical prediction.