Snjókalla RR kominn heim :-D

föstudagur, febrúar 10, 2006
Ég er þvílíkt hamingjusöm :-) Linda var ekkert smá snögg að sauma þennan æðislega snjókall. (afsakið myndagæðin, eða skort þar á) Mér finnst hann svo sætur. Þeir eru allir sætir, reyndar finnst mér minn einna sístur, mig langar soldið til að sauma annan bara af því að hinir eru svo flottir.

Svo er hérna mynd af öllum snjóköllunum í röð.

Fyrsti er minn, svo kemur Fionu, þá Becky og síðast en ekki síst, Lindu snjókall :-)

Snowman RR comes home

I'm so happy :-) Linda stitched this cute snowman so quickly, she's amazing :-) (sorry for the poor pictures) I just love this adorable little snowman. In fact they're all so cute, I think the one I stitched is the least one of the lot. I kinda feel like stitching another one for this RR coz the others are so pretty and nice.

In the small pic you can see all the squares. From the left there is mine, Fiona's, Becky's and Linda's :-)


posted by Rósa at 12:22, |


Awww, they're all adorable! I like yours too, you know!

Have a great weekend, Rosa! :)
Þeir eru allir vel klæddir, vona að þeir bráðni ekki :o
Oh, it's adorable :) I love Linda's :) Great job, Linda :) AND, Rosa...I happen to like the one you stitched very much-I have stitched the same one for myself and display it every Christmas :)
I was so happy to be able to add a snowman to your RR :) Thanks for that opportunity :)
So Cute!!!
Thanks Becky!
And it was my pleasure to stitch on your RR Rósa :o) My daughter Sumarrós helped me pick out a snowman. She wanted his sweater to be purple and the hat pink, but I decided not to change the colors ;o) LOL!