miðvikudagur, janúar 04, 2006
Það er engin mynd í þetta sinn, enda var ég að sauma í Valentínusarskiptunum sem ég skráði mig í um daginn. Þemað í þessum skiptum eru hjörtu og ég hef verið að horfa eftir munstrum sem hafa hjörtu í þeim eða minnast á hjörtu í texta (ef það er texti) og svo sá ég eitt sem mér þótti áhugavert. Ég pantaði það en þegar það kom var ég nú ekki eins hrifin og ég var þegar ég sá myndina á tölvuskjánum.. Alla vegana, ég ákvað að sauma greyið samt og þá gæti ég bara saumað annað ef ég væri ekki hrifin af þessu. Núna er ég u.þ.b. hálfnuð með saumaskapinn og ég verð bara að segja að ég er yfir mig hrifin af því hvernig það kemur út! Sum munstur eru bara miklu flottari í alvörunni en á mynd! Ég er mikið að spá í að sauma þetta handa sjálfri mér þegar tími gefst til :-) Ég get að sjálfsögðu ekkert gefið upp hvað ég er að sauma því þetta eru leynileg skipti, ég veit t.d. ekkert hver saumar handa mér :-)
Valentine Exchange
I don't have a photo to share coz this exchange is secret and I don't want the receiver (if she visits my blog) to find out anything about this piece I'm doing for her.
The theme is hearts and I've been looking around for charts and patterns that have hearts in them or mention hearts in some way. I did order one chart that I liked and tonight I started the stitching part :-) I must say I didn't like the design as much when I got the chart as when I saw it on my computer screen.. But I decided to start it anyway and if I felt it wouldn't be right for my recipient then I could always start another piece and keep this one for me or give it to a friend or something. But now that I'm half way through the stitching I'm loving it! I am definately keeping this as my Valentine Exchange piece and I guess I'll just have to stitch it again for myself ;-) I guess some designs are just more pretty stitched than on a photo..
Valentine Exchange
I don't have a photo to share coz this exchange is secret and I don't want the receiver (if she visits my blog) to find out anything about this piece I'm doing for her.
The theme is hearts and I've been looking around for charts and patterns that have hearts in them or mention hearts in some way. I did order one chart that I liked and tonight I started the stitching part :-) I must say I didn't like the design as much when I got the chart as when I saw it on my computer screen.. But I decided to start it anyway and if I felt it wouldn't be right for my recipient then I could always start another piece and keep this one for me or give it to a friend or something. But now that I'm half way through the stitching I'm loving it! I am definately keeping this as my Valentine Exchange piece and I guess I'll just have to stitch it again for myself ;-) I guess some designs are just more pretty stitched than on a photo..
Ég hlakka til að sjá það sem þú saumaðir!!!
Happy New Year Rosa! I totally agree - some pictures on charts do nothing for the piece once it's actually stitched. Can't wait to see your exchange piece. Mine's coming along a bit slowly.
Isn't it annoying, and still so fun to keep your stitching secret sometimes? :)
I think that you should trust your instinct when it comes to designs to stitch to your exchange partner. That same thing happened to me too. I chose a design which should be quite close to my receiver's likings, though I had to change the colours, and when I begun stitching I was so anxious "Will she like this?".
At the moment I'm sure she will like it. :) Even I like it and it's not "my style" of design to begin with. :o
I think that you should trust your instinct when it comes to designs to stitch to your exchange partner. That same thing happened to me too. I chose a design which should be quite close to my receiver's likings, though I had to change the colours, and when I begun stitching I was so anxious "Will she like this?".
At the moment I'm sure she will like it. :) Even I like it and it's not "my style" of design to begin with. :o
Thanks for the compliment on my needleroll Juul :-) You're welcome here anytime :-D
Happy new year Patti :-) Sometimes seeing things (and touching) is so much better than the photos.
Outi, secrets are fun sometimes :-) And I agree on the subject of instincts.. The first instinct is usually best. At least that's what I found to be true when taking tests in school.
On the 14th of February I can show a photo of this exchange piece as well as the one I will be getting. That's of course Valentines Day and that's the day we will open our packages and see what we get from our secret pals :-D Can't wait for that day to arrive! :-D
Happy new year Patti :-) Sometimes seeing things (and touching) is so much better than the photos.
Outi, secrets are fun sometimes :-) And I agree on the subject of instincts.. The first instinct is usually best. At least that's what I found to be true when taking tests in school.
On the 14th of February I can show a photo of this exchange piece as well as the one I will be getting. That's of course Valentines Day and that's the day we will open our packages and see what we get from our secret pals :-D Can't wait for that day to arrive! :-D
It's amazing how different some pieces stitch up - half the charts I've bought over the years have purely been because I've seen them stitched somewhere, as the charts themselves didn't sell it for me! I'm looking forward to seeing yours unveiled :)
A belated Happy New Year!
I've just read your blog entries from the last couple of days, and I want to cogratulate you with the beautyfull needleroll, she's lovely!
I'm cutting down my online time, so I won't read or comment on a daily base, but I'll be back ;o)
See you, Juul :o)