
sunnudagur, janúar 08, 2006
Þetta er búin að vera erfið vika...

Ég hef mjög lítið saumað síðan síðast að ég bloggaði og ekki vegna saumalægðar heldur þreytu! Svo var ég með mígreni í gær og þá er nú ekki gott að sitja við saumaskap..

En núna snýr allt til betri vegar og ég sé fram á að klára Valentínusarstykkið í kvöld og þá ætla ég að sauma örlítið í Mirabilia Vetrardrottningunni. Kannski ég setji inn mynd í þessa færslu í kvöld ef mér finnst árangurinn þess virði :-D


This week has been tough..

I haven't stitched much since last time I blogged and it's not because I've fallen into a slump but rather because I've been tired! And yesterday after work I had a migraine and then it's not a very good idea to stitch...

Now I plan to make amends and I am confident I'll finish my Valentine's Day Exchange piece tonight and then I'll probably put a few stitches in my Winter Queen. I may even put a photo with this post if I find the progress warrants it :-D
posted by Rósa at 16:55, |


I hope you feel better, Rosa :)
Sorry to hear you suffer from migraines too - they're a killer, aren't they? Hope you kick it in the guts soon (Aussie saying) ;)
  At mánudagur, 09 janúar, 2006 Anonymous Nafnlaus said:

Migraines, stitcher's enemy no. 1. :(

Am I imaginating or is it really so that stitchers seem to be migraine sensitive people? As every other stitcher I "know" seems to suffer from migraines time to time. (I've been lucky enough to avoid them (migraines, not stitchers;) lately, apparently because I get enough magnesium nowadays)

Hope you're feeling better already so you can get back in to the world of little stitches. :)
Æji, ekki gott að heyra með mígrenið! Vonandi er það búið núna svo þú getir farið að njóta þess að sauma!!!
I hope you feel better very soon sweety!!!
And I can't wait to see what you are stitching for the exchange!