UFO þriðjudagur og fleira

þriðjudagur, janúar 10, 2006
Heimsins versta mynd af litlum árangri. Það gæti verið samantektin á þessum UFO degi og myndinni sem ég tók. Ég bara nenni ekki að reyna að ná betri mynd en þetta. Sorrí! :-/

Í dag var sem sagt aðeins saumað í kaktusnum í UFO stykkinu en hjarta mitt lá hjá Love Ornament Nálarúllunni :-) Ég kláraði eins mikið og ég gat í því án RG petite treasure braid. Það er það eina sem vantar í þetta stykki og ég býst við að fá þetta í póstinum á fimmtudag. Það kom sko bréf frá tollinum í dag um að sendingin væri komin til landsins. Nú er bara að bíða eftir að fá þetta í hendurnar..

Ég er ekki enn búin að setja Fyre Werks borðann á stykkið þar sem hann er festur niður með petite braid þræðinum sem mig vantar. En ég saumaði yfir einn (hjörtun hjá stöfunum og kardinálinn) sem er bara ansi erfitt. Ég bara spyr, er einhver tækni við það eða er það bara svona erfitt? Ég sé mig ekki gera mikið af slíku í framtíðinni, nema bara ef það er svona lítið eins og í þessu munstri..

Svo er annað spor þarna, Twill Stitch, sem er soldið skondið. Mér fannst bara gaman að gera það en mér finnst það samt ekki koma neitt spes út. Þetta er gert með NN garninu (liturinn heitir Moulin Rouge :-D ) og ég skil ekki hvernig hægt hefði verið að fá þetta til að vera eins og í blaðinu. Þar kemur litabreytingin eins og í bylgjum en hjá mér er bara ljós blettur í miðjunni eins og ég hafi misst klór á þetta!.. Jæja, ég ætla að gera aðra svona og þá næ ég kannski að gera þetta spor betur, a.m.k. þannig að litaskiptingin verði betri þarna..

Þó svo að ég hafi ekki fengið pöntunina frá Sew and So (bara tollabréfið) þá fékk ég nú annan glaðning í póstinum í dag.. Ég skammast mín fyrir að segja þetta en ég var búin að gleyma því að ég hafði keypt þetta, en ég fékk kit fyrir enn eina nálarúlluna :-) Þessi er frá Shepherd's Bush og heitir Thisbe Roll og er voða sæt. Það fylgir auðvitað allt með, garnið, efnið, perlurnar og lace sem á að festa á stykkið. Ég hef aldrei gert það en það verður bara gaman að því :-) Ég býst við að byrja á þessu stykki á morgun (nema eitthvað annað grípi mig :-D )

UFO tuesday and more..

I stitched a little in my UFO piece but my heart was with the Love Ornament Needleroll :-) I'm sorry for the horrible pic of the UFO progress, but I just can't take a better one of that right now. Sorry :-/

I think I've stitched about everything I can in the Love needleroll, I just need the Treasure braid to be able to complete it. I haven't done the part with the Fyre Werks because that's fastened with the treasure braid. But the good news is that the order with that braid is on it's way to me, it's in Reykjavík right now and I am positive I'll have it in my greedy hands on thursday. Then I can finish the Love needleroll :-D

This is the first time I've done over one stitching. I must say that I found it hard. Maybe I was doing it wrong or something but I had trouble with the thread laying like I wanted it too. Are there any tricks for doing this properly? I don't think I'll do much of this over one stitching except if it's just a little bit (like here) in the design.

And the Twill Stitch was a little anti-climatic for me too. Anne had warned me about it, that it wouldn't come out for her like in the mag and I tried to do it a bit differently than the instructions said but it came out like I had spilled some chlorine on there.. A white spot in the middle! Oh, well, I'm planning on making another one like this so I'm going to try to do this stitch better then.

Even if I didn't get my treasure braid in the mail today (along with the beads for the Valentine's Exchange) I did get another thing I had completely forgotten about buying.. (I should be ashamed of myself) The Thisbe Roll from Shepherd's Bush. It has everything needed to finish it and I can't wait to start it. I am planning on starting it tomorrow :-) Unless something else screams at me for attention :-)

Efnisorð: ,

posted by Rósa at 23:01, |


At least... you've got enough courage to try over one LOL. I'm still 'thinking' about it ;)
You had problems with that? If I hadn't read your entry before checking pictures I couldn't have doubted such a thing.
Your Love looks beautiful, but of course we're always overcritical when it comes to our own work. ;)

I've been considering trying one over one also, but it's still in considering phase. I think I should get magnifier before it, even though my eye sight is relatively good with glasses, but... I think it might be bit tiring for my eyes without any help. ;)

And isn't it lovely to have surprise parcels even you have paid them yourself? :P
Well, the thread sometimes wanted to go under the fabric thread. It was really annoying :-) I'm not terribly unpleased with the over one stitching but I know it could've been better. Like you say, Outi, we are overcritical when we are judging our own work..

Thanks for the link, Karen, I've put it in my favorites so I can access it again. I was doing the over one like regular stitches but next time I'm trying one of the ways shown there.
My trick for over-one stitches on the bird is from a class I did in Sacramento once ... you stitch it like a 'tent' stitch in canvaswork - so that you have a 'long arm' on the back of the fabric ... eg if you were stitching from the right to the left, you would bring your needle up on the bottom left hand corner of the stitch, then go down at the top right corner (1/2 XS), then come back up two threads over to the left, again in the bottom left corner, and do another 1/2 XS the same way - continue right to the end of the row, then do the same in reverse to complete the row, ie come up at the bottom right of the stitch/square, then down at the top left, then across to the bottom of the next stitch and so on. That's probably as clear as mud, sorry!! But that way it stops the thread pulling under fabric threads, and gives you more room to put your needle under on the back - it was worth the class I attended just to learn that little trick! :) Hope your petite braid arrives soon - it's looking great :)
Great job on both your UFO (I didn't touch mine....) and the LOVE needleroll! Stitching over one can be a pain!