Round Robin loksins búinn

miðvikudagur, júlí 05, 2006
Ég skammast mín fyrir að vera svona lengi með þennan Round Robin en mín ömurlega afsökun er sú að ég var svo þreytt um helgina að ég náði ekki að sauma neitt af viti í hann og þess vegna er ég fyrst núna að klára hann. Ég fer beina leið á pósthúsið um leið og ég er búin að pósta þessari færslu.

En mikið rosalega er tebollinn fallegur.. Ég held ég nenni samt ekki að sauma hann aftur, en það var gaman að sauma hann samt og ekki skemmir hvað hann er sætur svona tilbúinn :-)

The Round Robin is finally finished

I'm really ashamed of how long it's taken me to finish this Round Robin, but my pitiful excuse is that I was so tired over the weekend (12 hr shift and waking up before dawn (if the sun would have set ;-D) drains my crafty good intentions) and so I just finished all the backstitching just now and as soon as this post is published I'm going to the post office to send it off to Edda who's next to stitch a teacup on it.

But it's amazing how beautiful this teacup is.. I don't think I'll ever stitch it again but it was fun to stitch and it doesn't hurt that it's so pretty :-)

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posted by Rósa at 13:53, |


That teacup and saucer is just gorgeous - what a gorgeous RR that's going to be. Would love to see it when it's all finished :) Hope you manage to catch up on your sleep :)
  At laugardagur, 08 júlí, 2006 Anonymous Nafnlaus said:
it looks really great :)
Ég á einmitt eftir að sauma eina myndina.
So pretty! You did so well!
Beautiful job!