RR kominn heim!

fimmtudagur, nóvember 03, 2005
Í sumar tók ég þátt í byrjanda RR í klúbbnum mínum, Allt í Kross. Ég valdi að hafa garðþema, enda var vorið komið og sumarið rétt að koma þegar RRinn byrjaði. Núna áðan var ég að fá minn heim aftur og ég er svo glöð og ánægð með hann að það hálfa væri nóg. Stelpurnar sem saumuðu í hann eru komnar í dýrlingatölu á mínu heimili :-)

Finnst ykkur hann ekki flottur?

My garden themed RR

I joined a beginner's RR in my cross stitch group, Allt í Kross, this summer and chose a garden theme for it. I am thrilled with the way it turned out and as you guys can see it's beautiful. I am making it into a cushion but I don't think anyone will be allowed to touch it. It's going to be for show :-) I don't have any materials to use for the back but I am going to the local fabric/clothes/craft/dry-cleaning store and see if they have anything I like.


posted by Rósa at 13:08, |


What a lovely idea with a summer theme.We need flowers this time a year
Ulla in the north of Sweden
Vá hvað hann kom vel út! Til hamingju með hann!
What a lovely robin piece! Did you choose the designs yourself beforehand? Because they all match each other to perfection :o)
It's lovely. :)

(Btw, there's reply for you in my blog. ;))
Hann kemur nefnilega alveg svakalega vel út. Ég er í skýjunum alveg :-)

Isabelle: I didn't choose the designs, the other girls chose what they wanted to stitch and I agree it's matches up perfectly :-)
I want to learn ICelandic.....
it's difficult find a school here.
From Venezuela
Hi Rósa,
It's a beautifull RR-piece!WOW!
:o) Juul.
Vá hvað hann er flottur ég held ég taki þátt í RR á næsta ári það er svo gaman.
Lovely! It's so fun to get an RR home isn't it? Enjoy your wonderful piece.