Ást blómstrar!

föstudagur, nóvember 04, 2005
Ég kláraði að setja síðustu perluna á núna fyrir nokkrum mínútum og ég bara varð að monta mig. Þessi nálarúlla er hreint frábær. Ég er auðvitað ekki með réttu litina og ég varð að bæta við einum lit af perlum því ég átti ekki nóg af þessum bleiku en ég held að þetta komi bara vel út. Svo eru gular perlur í stað gylltra en þetta verður bara viðkvæmara fyrir vikið, soldið svona eins og ástin er á fyrstu stigunum, nú er ég kannski heldur væmin, ég veit :-)

Love Blooms finished!

I just put the last bead on this gorgeous design a few minutes ago and I just had to show it off :-) I love this design and even though the beads and the pink thread isn't as the pattern called for I think it all comes together quite nicely. At the very least I'm extremely happy about the way it turned out and that's what matters, especially since this is a "pick me up" piece :-)

At the bottom you can see there are two shades of the pink beads, this is because I didn't have enough of the lighter shade ones and instead of frogging the beads around the heart I decided to just add the other color in there.


posted by Rósa at 20:40, |


It's lovely. :)

(And yes, I'm in SBEBB too ;)
Rosalega kemur þetta vel út hjá þér. Mér finnst einmitt oft munstur koma betur út ef maður leyfir sér aðeins að leika sér með hvað maður notar í þau :o)
Hi Rósa,
I think it turned out beautyfull, the solution with the beads works great.
I only have one question : What does the saying means? Can you give a translation?
:o) Juul.
By the way, I saw an vulcano of Iceland yesterday in a television-quiz, and I thougt of you...
The saying says Love Blooms Always just like in the original but I translated it to icelandic. It's a pretty basic translation though, word for word :-)
Hi Rósa,
I thought so. :o)
I did a crosswordpuzzle tonight and ... yes, one of the answers was... IJSLAND, this is Iceland in our language.
Also an easy tranlation I think.
Very nice and the colours are just perfect together with the small beads.
ulla in the north of Sweden
Wow Rosa, how GORGEOUS! This is so delicate and beautifully stitched :o) A real heirloom :o) Congratulations on a great finish!
Geymir nálar í þeim? Veitiggi, ég ætlaði bara að hafa þessa upp á punt ofan á kommóðu eða eitthvað svoleiðis :-)