Nýtt útlit

miðvikudagur, mars 22, 2006
Jæja, það eru svo margir bloggarar sem ég heimsæki oft búnir að skipta um lúkk á bloggunum sínum að ég smitaðist og ákvað að breyta hjá mér líka :-) Ég var líka orðin soldið leið á grænu doppunum..

Þetta útlit fann ég eftir smá leit hérna. Það heitir Subdued Lily og ég varð voðalega skotin í því strax. Það tók smá tíma að gera þetta nothæft, en ég vildi auðvitað hafa progress bar áfram í hliðarmenu og ég vildi hafa bloggrúlluna mína. Ég held ég hafi náð að laga þetta nokkuð vel að mér og mínum þörfum núna og er bara nokkuð sátt. HTML er kannski ekki mín sterkasta hlið en ég náði tökum á þessum breytingum nokkuð auðveldlega :-)

New look

A lot of the bloggers I follow have been changing the look of their blogs recently and I caught the bug and decided to change my look too :-) I'll admit I was a little sick of the green dots..

I found this look at this place. It's called Subdued Lily and I fell for it immediately. It took a little while to make it usable, because of course I wanted to keep the progress bars and the blogroll. I think I've adjusted this look to fit me and my needs and am quite content. HTML is not my strongest suit but I handled these changes quite easily :-)


posted by Rósa at 17:34, |


I love the look of your blog, the colors are very soothing and natural- very nice! I also like the additions in your side bar: the percentages of WIP and everything.
Thanks for adding to my Johari!
I like the new look. I'd like to change mine at some stage, but the sidebar problems I've had with the one I've got, are enough to say NO at the moment.
Looks great Rosa!
I think Karen's right about spring being in the air (though of course it is autumn where I am) I've been considering a change again...
Love the new blog look...I saw it yesterday but can't comment as blogger was having maintenance period.

Soothing colours. :)
I love the new look!
  At fimmtudagur, 23 mars, 2006 Anonymous Nafnlaus said:
Simple and still stylish. I like this one! :)

It's easier to read for some reason than your old one so one happy customer here. ;)
love the new look Rosa!