O Christmas Tree *edited*
fimmtudagur, desember 29, 2005
frá Water's Edge. Ég fékk svaka sendingu í póstinum í gær en ég hafði pantað fullt af garni sem mig vantaði (eða ekki, fer eftir hvernig maður lítur á málið) til að sauma jólaskrautin sem ég hef ákveðið sauma á næsta ári. Alla vegana þá kom garnið í þessa sætu mynd og ég átti flott handlitað 28ct Lugana efni frá, hverjum öðrum, Silkweaver sem mér fannst eins og sniðið fyrir þessa mynd. Garnið er frá Weeks Dye Works sem ég held að ég hafi ekki prufað áður (flottir litir!) og perlurnar eru Mill Hill Magnifica. Engillinn á toppnum er bara frá mér en munstrið kallaði á stjörnu treasure frá Mill Hill sem ég átti ekki. Mér fannst engillinn svo sætur að ég ákvað að nota hann í staðinn.
Sorrí hvað myndin er ekki góð, en myndavélin var ekki í samvinnuhug núna.
Pöntunin sem ég fékk í gær var algjört æði. Hellingur af þráðum og perlum og látum :-) En samt vantar mig meira!! Skrýtið hvernig þetta áhugamál fer með mann :-) *Hérna er mynd af öllu garninu og perlunum sem ég fékk*
O Christmas Tree
I got a large fiber order from the US yesterday and amongst the fibers were the two needed for this piece. This ornament is from JCS 2004 and designed by Water's Edge. I need to put on the bow that's supposed to be on the flower pot but other than that it's done. I didn't have the star treasure it called for but I did have this angel and she's perfect right there :-D
The fabric is a hand dyed 28ct Lugana from Silkweaver's, of course :-D The threads are Weeks Dye Works and the beads are Mill Hill Magnifica. Sorry about the poor quality of the pic. My camera is not co-operating with me..
I got so many wonderful and beautiful threads and fibers that I'm still reeling over it all. I spent a great deal of time admiring them and stroking and then I decided to kit up the ornaments I'm planning to stitch. That way I can see which fibers or fabric are missing and order those. Strange, I just got a bucked load of threads and stuff but I still need more!.. This hobby is slowly but surely getting out of control.. And I like it ;-)
Here's a pic of the flosses and beads I got.
Sorrí hvað myndin er ekki góð, en myndavélin var ekki í samvinnuhug núna.
Pöntunin sem ég fékk í gær var algjört æði. Hellingur af þráðum og perlum og látum :-) En samt vantar mig meira!! Skrýtið hvernig þetta áhugamál fer með mann :-) *Hérna er mynd af öllu garninu og perlunum sem ég fékk*
O Christmas Tree
I got a large fiber order from the US yesterday and amongst the fibers were the two needed for this piece. This ornament is from JCS 2004 and designed by Water's Edge. I need to put on the bow that's supposed to be on the flower pot but other than that it's done. I didn't have the star treasure it called for but I did have this angel and she's perfect right there :-D
The fabric is a hand dyed 28ct Lugana from Silkweaver's, of course :-D The threads are Weeks Dye Works and the beads are Mill Hill Magnifica. Sorry about the poor quality of the pic. My camera is not co-operating with me..
I got so many wonderful and beautiful threads and fibers that I'm still reeling over it all. I spent a great deal of time admiring them and stroking and then I decided to kit up the ornaments I'm planning to stitch. That way I can see which fibers or fabric are missing and order those. Strange, I just got a bucked load of threads and stuff but I still need more!.. This hobby is slowly but surely getting out of control.. And I like it ;-)
Here's a pic of the flosses and beads I got.
Efnisorð: Christmas
Æðislega flott jólatré!!!
Og mig langar að sjá mynd af öllu sem að þú varst að fá svo að ég geti grænkað svolítið af öfund ;o)
Og mig langar að sjá mynd af öllu sem að þú varst að fá svo að ég geti grænkað svolítið af öfund ;o)
Hi Rósa,
"I got so many wonderful and beautiful threads and fibers that I'm still reeling over it all. I spent a great deal of time admiring them and stroking and then I decided to kit up the ornaments I'm planning to stitch. That way I can see which fibers or fabric are missing and order those. Strange, I just got a bucked load of threads and stuff but I still need more!.. This hobby is slowly but surely getting out of control.. And I like it ;-)"
I agree totally with your words!!!
Lovely ornament, please show a picture when you have finished it.
Best wishes and a happy stitching in 2006!
Juul :o)
"I got so many wonderful and beautiful threads and fibers that I'm still reeling over it all. I spent a great deal of time admiring them and stroking and then I decided to kit up the ornaments I'm planning to stitch. That way I can see which fibers or fabric are missing and order those. Strange, I just got a bucked load of threads and stuff but I still need more!.. This hobby is slowly but surely getting out of control.. And I like it ;-)"
I agree totally with your words!!!
Lovely ornament, please show a picture when you have finished it.
Best wishes and a happy stitching in 2006!
Juul :o)
Absolutely gorgeous little tree. :)
Who needs to be in control of stitching and stash collecting..? You're having fun at least and that's what matters. :P
Who needs to be in control of stitching and stash collecting..? You're having fun at least and that's what matters. :P
Ég er einmitt mjög spennt fyrir að nota WDW þræðina. Mér finnst þetta svo fallegir litir. Ég er líka búin að smitast af ornament áhuga og langar að gera fleiri þannig á árinu. Helst líka að læra almennilega að ganga frá þeim líka. Svo langar mig sérstaklega að gera hekluð ornament, svona snjókorn. Held að það sé gaman líka.
Pretty Christmas Tree! Congratulations on the big fiber order - such fun :-)
ulla in the north of Sweden