Autumn postcard

miðvikudagur, ágúst 30, 2006

I just finished stitching on Edda's RR and am quite pleased with the outcome. Edda chose Passione Ricamo's seasonal postcards (the ones that were freebies a while ago on PR's website) as her theme and since I'm the last stitcher I got the one that's left over and that happened to be autumn. I don't mind that at all. In fact the colors chosen are amazingly beautiful, especially together! But oh, boy, there are a lot of colors for such a small design! I didn't count but wouldn't be surprised if it was in the region of 40..

Edda didn't want us to include the wording so this is finished, I just have to add my initials. I'm not sure quite where they'd fit in this design but I'll manage :-)

So hopefully tomorrow this little beauty along with the other seasons is going home to mommy ;-)

In other news I have kinda put down on paper what I'd like the back of the biscornu to be like for the exchange I'm participating in on Allt í Kross yahoo group. Can't wait to know what the recipient feels about the way it turns out. I truly believe it's going to be awesome, dude! (too much Rockstar: Supernova in my system. Áfram Magni!)

The redwork exchange is still not assembled. I did buy another fabric for it and am mulling over in my head what to do for the finishing.. I kinda know but I've never done that before so I'm kinda nervous. But this is gonna be killer, baby! (Rockstar: Supernova is on tv here now (rerun of yesterday's show)). I'm off to watch it on tv and hope Magni doesn't get booted off (only one more hour till we know!) If that happens there's no reason for me to watch this show anymore.. And it's become a guilty pleasure for me :-D I would miss it..


posted by Rósa at 22:56, | 4 comments

6 things you didn't want to know about me

þriðjudagur, ágúst 29, 2006
I've been tagged by Outi and now you guys will find out 6 things you most certainly didn't want to know about me nor need to know. But here goes :-)

1. The last serious relationsship of mine ended when I was 21. Since then noone has really been able to win my heart completely.
2. I've just recently started speaking to one of my sisters after 2 years of non-communication.
3. I secretly wanted to use glasses when I was younger. Now that I need them I find that it's not as cool as I thought it would be. Be careful what you wish for...
4. Until today I didn't have a MySpace account. Probably one of the last people not to get one of those..
5. I don't think I'm mature enough to have kids. And frankly I'm not sure I want to have kids. That doesn't take away from the fact that I love my friend's kids and interacting with them, it's just that I'm certain I'd suck at being a mother.
6. I'm 32 years old and I still have no clue what I want to be when I grow up..

I'm not tagging anyone, but if you feel like doing this meme feel free and please mention it in my comments. Then I can go and have a look-see ;-)

From now on I think my posts are going to be in english only. I've grown tired of translating my icelandic and having the posts in both languages makes for some really long posts.. So it's over now. All english all the way. Unless someone objects ;-) Maybe you foreigners like to read the icelandic and guess at what the heck I'm talking about before you go to the english version? Anywhoo, I'm pretty sure all of my icelandic readers are fluent enough in english to read my oh so not eloquent texts.


posted by Rósa at 20:42, | 3 comments


þriðjudagur, ágúst 22, 2006
Jæja, ég er búin að sauma stykkið fyrir Redwork skiptin eins og ég sagði áður og er búin að kaupa efni til að "klára" klára en ég hugsa að ég fari í klárið um helgina. Svo er ég búin með framhliðina á Biscornu púðanum en mikið rosalega kemur það flott út. Ég veit ekki hvort ég muni vilja senda hann frá mér, svo flott er framstykkið :-D Ég hef ákveðnar hugmyndir með bakhliðina en ætla að setja það á blað svo ég geri nú enga vitleysu. Svo er bara að sauma þær saman og voila! Tilbúið ;-)

Í öðrum fréttum þá fékk ég Just Cross Stitch Christmas Ornaments Anniversary Edition um daginn og hef alveg misst mig í að skoða æðislegu skrautin sem eru þarna. Sum átti ég reyndar í JCS blöðunum sem ég keypti fyrir seinustu jól. En hin sem ég átti ekki eru sko ekki síðri :-) Svo hefur maður líka tekið betur eftir sumum sem ég hafði veitt litla athygli í upprunalegu blöðunum. Svo finnst mér vera betra skipulag á munstrunum í þessari bók en þau koma strax á eftir myndunum. Þ.e. fyrst kemur opna með mynd af nokkrum skrautum og svo koma munstrin að þeim í þeirri röð sem þau eru í á myndinni.. Skiljiði? Alla vegana finnst mér það mun betra en að allar myndirnar komi strax og svo þarf maður að finna munstrin eftir stafrófsröð.

Sorgarfréttir núna. Friends Gather BB er hætt og ég sakna geðveikt Ornaments with KarenV sem og Stitch-A-Thon og 24hr Challenge. Stitch-A-Thonið sérstaklega því það var oft eini tíminn sem ég gaf mér til að sauma í Vetrardrottningunni. :-(


Well, I've finished the piece for the Redwork exchange like I said before and now I've bought the fabric for finishing it off but I think I may do that this coming weekend. I've also finished the front of the Biscornu pillow and gosh, it's looking so great! I'm not sure if I will send it off once it's finished, that's how awesome I think the front pieceis :-D I've got definite ideas for the backpiece but I need to put them on paper so I won't make too many mistakes. Then all I have to do is sew them together and Voila! Ready for send-off!

In other news I got the Just Cross Stitch Christmas Ornaments Anniversary Edition the other day and I've completely lost myself in it and looking at the gorgeous ornaments in there. Some of them I did have in the JCS ornament issues I got before last christmas. But the ones I didn't have are quite cool too :-) And I've also noticed a few that I didn't see in the original mags. And I must say I love the new way of presenting the ornaments and the patterns. First you get the picture of a few ornies and then the patterns right after. No more looking through 100 pages of patterns to find the one you want to stitch! At least I like it better this way.

Some sad news now. Friends Gather BB is gone forever and I sorely miss Ornaments with KarenV as well as the Stitch-A-Thon and 24hr Challenge. The Stitch-A-Thon is especially missed coz it seemed to be the only time I gave myself to work on the Winter Queen :-(


posted by Rósa at 14:58, | 1 comments

Seinasti pakkinn í afmælisleiknum

föstudagur, ágúst 18, 2006
En fyrst mynd af Lofti að girnast gjafirnar mínar :-D

Og þá er komið að mynd af þessum þvílíkt flotta pakka frá Lindu litluskvís. Ég á ekki til orð yfir gjafmildi hennar en hún ákvað að senda aðeins stærri pakka en vanalega af því gjafirnar komu seint til landsins. Hún hefði nú ekki þurft þess en það er auðvitað alltaf gaman að fá stóra pakka ;-D Þarna eru voða sæt munstur, annað frá Donnu Vermillion Giampa og hitt frá Sweetheart Tree, hör, annað er silfurgrátt og hitt er Solo frá Silkweaver, algjört æði. Svo er heill hellingur af handlituðu garni :-D Stranded By The Sea, Six Strand Sweets og Needle Necessities garn. Eins og ég sagði við Lindu þá á ég eftir að hafa gaman af því að leika mér með þá :-D

Enn og aftur kærar þakkir, Linda mín, fyrir þessar frábæru gjafir. Ég á sko eftir að njóta þeirra vel :-)

The last package in the Birthday Exchange

But first a pic of my cat, Loftur, lusting after my gifties :-D

And then it's time for the awesome gifts from Linda litlaskvis. I don't have words to describe the awesomeness of her gifts. She decided to send a little bigger package than usual coz the ones she ordered came too late for my birthday. She really didn't have to but of course it's always fun to get those big packages ;-D There are some cute patterns, one from Donnu Vermillion Giampa and another from The Sweetheart Tree, and linen, one is silver and the other is a Solo from Silkweaver, totally awesome! And last but not least a whole boatload of handdyed threads :-D Stranded By The Sea, Six Strand Sweets og Needle Necessities threads. Like I told Linda in my thank you email, I'm going to have so much fun playing with those fibers :-D

Again, thank you so much Linda for the present. I'm going to enjoy them for a long time :-)


posted by Rósa at 20:34, | 3 comments


fimmtudagur, ágúst 17, 2006
Jæja, ég hef nú verið að sauma stykkið fyrir Redwork skiptin undanfarin kvöld og náði að klára núna. Mikið rosalega er ég skotin í þessu :-D Flottur litur líka.. En þið verðið að bíða smá með að fá mynd, ég sendi þetta ekki fyrr en í byrjun september sko til eigandans..

Á morgun ætla ég að finna efni til að klára þetta stykki og nota eflaust helgina í það. Ég er að vinna á laugardag en ég hef sunnudaginn til að klárast. Svo er næst á dagskrá Biscornu. Og auðvitað RRinn hennar Eddu :-) Þetta er allt með sendingardag í byrjun september og ég er að verða pínu stressuð. En þetta blessast allt! Ég hef mikla trú á því :-)


Well, I've been doing the stitching for the Redwork Exchange on SBEBB these last few nights and managed to finish tonight. I'm very taken with this design and the way it turns out :-D And the color is pretty hot too.. But I'm afraid you guys have to wait a little for a pic since this exchange won't be sent off till Sept. 4th (my moms birthday!)..

Tomorrow I'm going to find a fabric to finish this piece and I'll probably use the weekend for that. I am working on saturday but have sunday for finishing stuff. And next up is the Biscornu for the Icelandic exchange and of course there is Edda's RR piece :-) This all has a deadline for the beginning of september and I'm starting to feel a little stressed out. But I'm confident things will be ok! I'm a believer :-)

Efnisorð: , ,

posted by Rósa at 23:48, | 0 comments

Monthly Bits

miðvikudagur, ágúst 09, 2006
Ég fékk Monthly Bits frá Stitching Bits and Bobs í póstinum áðan og er svaka ánægð. Flottir litir og ég held jafnvel að ég sjái þarna liti til að nota í Biscornu púðann umtalaða. Og jafnvel fallegan lit í Redwork skiptin.. Kannski ;-) Ég ætla ekkert að benda neitt á þá sérstaklega, þið bara sjáið hvort ég nota þá þegar ég sýni afurðirnar í september :-D

Monthly Bits

I got my monthly bits in the mail today and am so happy. Very fierce colors (I've been watching too much ANTM with Tyra Banks, she's obsessed with the word fierce) and I may even see some that I might use for the Biscornu I've talked about. And even a beautiful color for the Redwork Exchange.. Maybe ;-) I'm not going to point them out specially, you'll just see the finished product in september :-D

Efnisorð: ,

posted by Rósa at 13:09, | 4 comments

Drekinn flýgur á morgun

þriðjudagur, ágúst 08, 2006
Til hennar Eddu :-) Mér tókst að klára afturstinginn í kvöld og ég er svo ánægð með það. Ég er komin með RRinn hennar Eddu í hendurnar (fyrir viku meira að segja) og mun byrja á honum von bráðar. Hennar þema eru póstkortin frá Passione Ricamo sem voru gefins hérna í eina tíð en ekki lengur. Ég held meira að segja að einhver þessara munstra séu búin að koma í bresku útsaumsblöðunum (World of Cross Stitching held ég, er ekki viss samt) og restin komi á þessu ári. Ég var aðeins búin að kíkja á efnið og sýnist að ég geri haustpóstkortið. Hin eru öll saumuð og þetta er voða fínt. Ég hlakka til að byrja á því :-) Svo þarf ég að gefa mér tíma í Biscornu púða og Redwork skiptin en ég er byrjuð á hvorugu! :-/ Spurning að fara að koma sér að verki!

The dragon takes flight tomorrow

To Edda :-) I managed to finish the backstitching tonight and I'm so happy it's done. I've already got Edda's RR in my hands (it arrived about a week ago) and I'm starting that one next. Her theme is Passione Ricamo's seasonal postcards that were freebie's a while ago but not anymore. I think they're being published in one of the british cross stitch mags (World of Cross Stitching I think, but I'm not sure) this year and one or two are already out there. I took a little peek at Edda's RR and it seems to me I will be stitching autumn postcard. The others are all stitched up and it looks great. I'm looking forward to starting that one :-) And I have the Biscornu to do as well as the redwork exchange but I haven't started either one! :-/ I might wanna get going on those!

Efnisorð: ,

posted by Rósa at 00:38, | 2 comments

Ein gjöf í viðbót

sunnudagur, ágúst 06, 2006
Jamm, ég er sko lukkunnar pamfíll þessa dagana. Ég fékk einn pakka frá dömu úr afmælisleiknum í vikunni og hann var sko ekkert slor. Edda gaf mér Snowdays frá Mirabilia og Potpourri hearts frá Sweetheart Tree og silkigarn. Virkilega flott og ég er orðlaus. Hún fann þetta á óskalistanum mínum og ég sé að það er bara sniðugt að hafa svona óskalista til að leiðbeina fólki hvernig smekk maður hefur. Annars er voða auðvelt að gleðja mig :-)

Ég hef ekki verið í miklu saumastuði né blogg stuði undanfarna daga en ég er á fullu að vinna í að klára frá mér drekann hennar Hafrúnar (bara afturstingur eftir) og svo fer maður í að byrja á Redwork exchange og Biscornu púða fyrir biscornu skiptin í Allt í Kross klúbbnum.

One more gift

I feel like the luckiest woman on the planet these days. I got another package in the birthday exchange on Allt í Kross and it was from Edda. She gave me Snow Days from Mirabilia and Potpourri Hearts from Sweetheart Tree plus some silks. Really generous and I'm speechless. She found my wishlist and those designs were on there. I see these wishlists are a good way to advise people for things like this, like to show what kinds of designs I like. But it's not very hard to please me :-) I've loved every single thing I've got in this birthday exchange.

I haven't been in a big stitching mood lately and blogging hasn't been high on the list to do either. I am now working on getting Hafrún's RR to the next person on the list (I'm late, I know) and I only have the backstitching left and after that I have the redwork exchange to do on SBEBB and a Biscornu for an exchange on Allt í Kross. Busy busy busy! :-D


posted by Rósa at 23:19, | 0 comments